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How to fill out an RX1. Press "add New patient" 2. Fill out patient information. After information is updated, press "Add New Case". 3. Select tooth number and restoration type. Screen will automatically move forward. 4. Select indication, options include “Crown” and “Inlay/Onlay.” Select type, options include “Full Contour” and “Veneered.” Then click “Select Material” 5. Highlight material for restoration, then click “Select Final Shade” 6. Select a shade guide. Select Shade, then click “Ok” 7. Verify and click “>>”
How to prep a scan1. Scan prep arch, press “Upper Jaw” to scan opposing arch. 2. Completed opposing scan, press “Buccal” for buccal bite. 3. Press “>>” when bite scan is complete. Image spins as it creates virtual model. 4. Drag bite registration and opposing into position 5. Bite has been established, click “>>” 6. Select “Manual” then doubleclick area to define margin, then press “>>”
How to Send Your Cerec Files to Dental Art Solution1. Fill out information and press “Ok” 2. Click “Enter Order Data” once upload completes. 3. Select Dental Art Solution. Select the return date and time. Finally, press “Add Additional Information. 4. Highlight patient gender. Fill out implant instructions. Press “Add to Cart” 5. Click “Submit Cart” 6. Re-enter user name and password, then press “Ok”
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